Seval Müzeyyen Ecin

Work Environment of Healthcare Workers with COVID-19 in a Hospital in Turkey

  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  • Social Psychology
  • Health (social science)

Objectives: Healthcare workers (HCWs) are among the occupational groups most affected by coronavirusdisease 2019 (COVID-19). The present study aims to conduct a retrospective investigation of the outpatientoccupational disease clinic records of COVID-19 survivor HCWs and the distribution of the study participantswithin a specific hospital to identify the work units at risk and recommend control measures. Methods: Thisstudy investigated HCWs aged 18-65 years who had returned to their work in the hospital upon recoveryfrom COVID-19. Results: A total of 360 HCWs (11.7%) had tested positive for COVID-19. Nurses constituted thehighest percentage of COVID-19-positive HCWs (224, 62.2%), while those working in outpatient clinics wereat the highest risk, accounting for 110 cases (30.6%). A statistically significant number of HCWs working in theintensive care unit (ICU) had COVID-19-positive co-workers. Furthermore, there was a correlation betweenthe monthly number of all COVID-19-positive cases in Turkey and the number of COVID-19-positive HCWs inTurkey. Conclusions: The results suggest that HCWs did not sufficiently comply with preventive measuresin low-risk work units, including outpatient clinics. Furthermore, the number of COVID-19-positive HCWscorrelates with the number of COVID-19-positive co-workers and individuals in the general population.

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