Yao XIAO, Ling YIN

Impact of Mahjong Game on the Physical, Mental and Cognitive Health of the Elderly in China

  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  • Social Psychology
  • Health (social science)

Objective: The mahjong game is known for stimulating cognitive skills and improving thephysical and mental functioning of particularly the elderly population. This study discusses howthe mahjong game is extended from leisure and entertainment to improving the physical, mentaland cognitive health of the elderly. Methodology: The study utilized a qualitative and explorativeresearch design to examine the impact of mahjong activities on physical, cognitive and mentalstates of the elderly in China. The data was collected through both primary and secondary sources.Being empirical in nature, the study findings were analyzed through sorting techniques andcontent analysis, categorizing the impact into physical, cognitive and mental impacts. Results:The study found out severe impacts of the mahjong game on nervous system, cardiovascularsystem, nervous systems and digestive tract of the elderly. The study also evaluated the cognitiveand emotional abilities of the elderly in some cases like dementia and depression, mahjong isreported to have positive effects. Conclusion: Elderly people should adjust the arrangement ofrecreational mahjong activities according to their conditions. The findings of this article wouldbe beneficial and serve as a reference to future mahjong-related research. It may also be usedtherapeutically to treat emotional problems and poor coordination skills among the elderly.

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