Yu Zhou, Juxian Tang, Yaru Shang, Wenwen Cheng, Zihao Kang, Jiangxuan Li, Zhuoming Chen, Duan Xiao

A Preliminary Study on Constructing A Cognitive-Linguistic Evaluation System Model

  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  • Social Psychology
  • Health (social science)

Objectives: This study evaluated a cognitive–linguistic evaluation system model that uses computeralgorithms to quickly and easily identify patients with linguistic and cognitive impairment. Methods: Alanguage cognition assessment system for rapid screening was developed to determine the factors to beincluded. Topics, selection rules, and termination principles were adjusted and optimized. To establish thelanguage cognition assessment system, the clinical assessment samples were compared with commonscales for missing score dimensions. To establish the assignment model, linear regression analysis wasconducted and dimensionality reduction data were employed. Results: A total of 12 dimensions and360 questions were finally included in the system, which would take approximately 15 minutes for thesubjects to complete the language cognitive assessment. Based on the clinical sample, the systemwas assigned a composite score of (0.94*spontaneous expression + 0.9*orientation + 0.88*memory+ 0.88*retelling + 0.89*reading + 0.83*delayed recall + 0.91*picture naming + 0.93*calculation +0.83*reasoning + 0.88*listening recognition + 0.85*hearing whether + 0.85*attention)*100/1026.Conclusion: A computer-based evaluation model for cognitive–linguistic impairment can be usedto perform a rapid assessment of self-linguistic cognitive impairment in the elderly. Our findings mayserve as evidence to establish the assessment criteria specific to cognitive–linguistic impairment.

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