DOI: 10.1093/jsxmed/qdae001.048 ISSN: 1743-6095

(052) Penile Length Enhancement with Suspensory Ligament Release, Corporal Advancement, and Periosteal Stabilization

B Cook, J Rubin, M Brennan
  • Urology
  • Reproductive Medicine
  • Endocrinology
  • Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
  • Psychiatry and Mental health



Penile shortening is a common complaint with multiple etiologies. To date, safe and efficacious options have been limited. Release of the penile suspensory ligament has been described for penile augmentation with a reported increase in penile length, However, a simple release of the suspensory ligament sacrifices the stability of the erect penis. We propose a novel technique of dividing the penile suspensory ligament while simultaneously advancing the corporal bodies and maintaining penile stability with periosteal anchoring of the corpora to the pubic symphysis.


We demonstrate a method to increase penile length by releasing the suspensory ligament while simultaneously performing corporal body advancement and anchoring of the corpora to the periosteum of the pubic symphysis.


An IRB protocol was submitted to the State University of New York at Buffalo IRB committee. The project was found to be IRB-exempt. A test procedure was performed on a male cadaver. A 3cm transverse infrapubic incision was made one fingerbreadth superior to the dorsal aspect of the penis. Scarpa’s fascia and the fundoform ligament were dissected to expose the suspensory ligament and dorsal phallus. Stretched penile length was measured. The suspensory ligament of the penis was released and the corporal bodies were advanced. A 2-0 Ethibond suture was placed through the periosteum of the inferior aspect of the pubic symphysis and tunica albuginea bilaterally in an intervascular manner. Stretched length was again measured with an increase of approximately four centimeters observed.


In our cadaveric model, simultaneous penile suspensory ligament with corporal advancement and reattachment resulted in a four-centimeter increase in stretched penile length.


Simply releasing the suspensory ligament may lead to penile instability, scar tissue formation, and retraction of gained penile length. In this cadaveric model, we demonstrate suspensory ligament release with stabilization of the phallus is viable and may offer a method to increase stretched penile length.



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