Mohd Yawar Ali Khan, Mohamed ElKashouty, Ali Mohammad Subyani, Fuqiang Tian

Morphometric Determination and Digital Geological Mapping by RS and GIS Techniques in Aseer–Jazan Contact, Southwest Saudi Arabia

  • Water Science and Technology
  • Aquatic Science
  • Geography, Planning and Development
  • Biochemistry

The hydrological characteristics of the watershed in the southern Aseer and northern Jazan regions of Saudi Arabia (SA) were identified by integrated remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and Landsat data. For this purpose, the Wadi Ishran, Wadi Baysh, Wadi Itwad, Wadi Tabab, and Wadi Bayd drainage basins were extracted. Wadi Ishran is the largest, and Wadi Tabab is the smallest. Stream order and bifurcation ratio show that the Itwad and Bayd basins are permeable and of high aquifer potentiality. The multisupervised classification found seven rock units that were spread out in different ways across the basins. The areas with the highest vegetation were in the southeast, the centre, and the northwest. The bands’ ratios show more iron-rich sediments in the northeast and southwest. This paper’s outcomes serve as the basis for planning and managing groundwater resources. It finds potential groundwater zones, determines the risk of flooding, and chooses places where harvesting can be undertaken.

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