DOI: 10.3390/rs15153820 ISSN: 2072-4292

An Integrated Geophysical and Unmanned Aerial Systems Surveys for Multi-Sensory, Multi-Scale and Multi-Resolution Cave Detection: The Gravaglione Site (Canale di Pirro Polje, Apulia)

Gerardo Romano, Luigi Capozzoli, Nicodemo Abate, Michele De Girolamo, Isabella Serena Liso, Domenico Patella, Mario Parise
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences

Gravaglione represents one of the main swallow holes of the Canale di Pirro, low Murge, Apulia region, Italy. Here, after an intense rainstorm, a huge volume of rainwater accumulates at the surface. The drainage dynamics suggest that the Gravaglione could be part of a large, and potentially unknown, karst system. To verify this hypothesis and to acquire useful information on the possible karst environment features, an integrated aerial and geophysical multiscale and multimethod approach was applied. In particular, aerial photogrammetry, ground penetrating radar measurements and electrical resistivity tomography surveys were hence conducted and integrated to potentially detect the caves, define the subsurface volume possibly affected by karst systems and to verify the existence of links between the surficial morphology and the subsoil structure. The results provided interesting insights regarding the presence of a complex karst system extending up to 200 m b.g.l. and with a marked 3D nature. Overall, the Gravaglione case study demonstrates the geophysical approach validity and poses the basis for the development of an expeditive and low-cost high-resolution strategy for detecting and characterizing karst caves.

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