809 Direct Referral Pilot- Speech and Language Therapy-ENT, Ninewells Hospital
V Ganesh, C Thompson, S Kaighin, K Haddow, C Kennedy- Surgery
Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists and speech and language therapists (SALT) work very closely together in management of speech and language disorders. Here at Ninewells Hospital, we have created a pilot project for a direct referral system, where voice referrals which have been vetted are referred directly to SALT, in which patients receive the necessary treatments and are then referred to ENT specialists if required.
This is a retrospective audit. Patients who were referred directly to SALT were included in this study. A questionnaire was developed to assess patient’s satisfaction with this pathway via telephone. Five questions were asked about their satisfaction with different aspects of this study, including waiting times, concerns addressed, provided with clear explanations, patient involved in plans and overall satisfaction with ratings of between very good, good, fair, poor, very poor and prefer not to answer.
41 responses were obtained, out of 67 patients included in this study. Majority of patients responded with very good and good in all aspects of the questionnaire 48.8% had a very good overall satisfaction from this project. 29.3% had a good outcome and 4.9% responded with fair and poor respectively.
This study highlights that SALT play a significant role in not only improving quality of treatment for patients but also the quality of streamlining to specialist care as and when needed. More work is required to look into this pathway further and to assess its feasibility for implementation in the future and in other hospitals across the UK.