788 Virtual Scaphoid Fracture Management; How Effective Is It?
S Murhekar- Surgery
The virtual clinic has been used to manage patients out of the hospital setting, decreasing footfall in the hospital, avoiding the need for unnecessary travel and helping decrease carbon footprint. A similar clinic has been running to manage patients presenting to the orthopaedic department with the presentation of suspected scaphoid fracture. As missed scaphoid fractures potentially lead to non-union and complications arising due to it, this study was thought of to see how effective the virtual clinics are in managing suspected scaphoid fractures.
To assess a number of suspected scaphoid presentations, and their management. Delay in diagnosis and potential presentation with non-union or SLAC wrist.
Retrospective data collection for a year of patients presenting to the orthopaedic unit at a busy secondary hospital. The outcome of their presentation associated complications.
Over a duration of one year from January 2021 to December 2021, 160 patients presented to the virtual clinic. Average age 44yrs. 32% of patients were offered second scaphoid series imaging. 9% of patients underwent MRI with a suspected diagnosis of occult scaphoid fracture. Average gap in second imaging was 21 days. Almost 33% of patients were discharged from virtual clinic with no further need for imaging. 16% of of the suspected cases were confirmed as scaphoid fracture.
This study highlights the effective use of a virtual clinics in managing scaphoid fractures presenting to a secondary unit.