DOI: 10.1093/bjs/znad241.484 ISSN:

359 Confidence levels in junior doctors managing paediatric surgical patients in a busy district general hospital

Charlie Leeman, Jayan George, Ahmad Hisham Wafai, Antonia Durham-Hall
  • Surgery




Doctors were surveyed in December 2022. Eight questions used Likert scales (1 to 5: not at all confident to very confident) to assess general surgical patient management. Five closed questions were asked, and one question focused on education methods. Data was initially inputted using Google Docs and analysed in Microsoft Excel.


7 FY1 doctors (7/10) and 4 SHO doctors (4/11) completed the questionnaire.

2/11 have had to clerk or create a management plan for a paediatric patient.

8/11 would use guidance to prescribe for a paediatric patient.

2/11 have had teaching or e-learning to support prescribing.

3/11 have had to prescribe for a paediatric patient.

Confidence levels were low for prescribing at the start of the rotation but increased by the end of the rotation. The highest confidence modal values were 3. Confidence levels of diagnosing and managing appendicitis were higher than mesenteric adenitis.

Most doctors felt that group teaching would be the preferred educational method to increase understanding.


Most doctors did not receive teaching in managing paediatric patients. The highest modal value for confidence was 3. Further targeted group teaching may support increasing confidence levels.

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