DOI: 10.1093/bjs/znad241.447 ISSN:

151 Isolated tuberculosis liver abscess in an immuno-competent patient – A case report

Alifa Sabir, Fatima Rauf, Muhammad Hamza, Huma Sabir Khan, Naveed Akhtar Malik, Muhammad Hanif
  • Surgery



Tuberculosis presenting as an isolated liver abscess is extremely rare.

Case Summary

A 55 year old woman presented with complaints of pain right hypochondrium associated with low grade fever and weight loss for last 1 year. Abdominal examination revealed mild tenderness in right hypochondrium. Rest of system examination was unremarkable. Laboratory investigations and chest radiograph were normal. Ultrasound abdomen showed coarse heterogeneous liver parenchyma with increased echogenicity. Single irregular hypoechoic area in segment IV A of the liver was noted. CECT scan of abdomen showed a single well defined focal lesion of 4.2*5.5*4.9 cm in segment V/VI, which was hypovascular on both arterial and venous phases. Delayed imaging revealed thick rim of contrast enhancement suggestive of fibrous capsule. Ultrasound guided biopsy of the lesion was done which showed chronic caseating granulomatous inflammation suggestive of tuberculosis. Patient was started on anti- tuberculous therapy. However, she showed worsening of symptoms. A repeat triphasic CT scan showed a complex multiseptated thick-walled necrotic lesion measuring 8.5*6.9*6.4 cm in segment V/VI of the liver. Her total leucocyte count was 14,500/mm3, CRP levels 19.4 mg/l and ESR 99mm3. Ultrasound guided drainage was done and a drain was placed in right hypochondrium. Patient was discharged on oral antibiotics. The follow- up CT scan showed a significant decrease in the size of abscess (3.8*4.2*5.8 cm) with marked improvement in the symptoms.


An isolated tuberculous liver abscess poses challenge to the clinical acumen of the treating physician and an early diagnosis can help reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with it.

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