DOI: 10.26634/jip.10.4.20305 ISSN: 2349-4530

Edge preserving image denoising with deep networks and ensemble convolutional neural network architectures

Rao Thamanam Srinivasa, K. Manjunathachari, Prasad K. Satya
  • Marketing
  • Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
  • Strategy and Management
  • Drug Discovery
  • Pharmaceutical Science
  • Pharmacology
In the field of visual perception, the edges of images tend to be rich in effective visual stimuli, which contribute to the neural network's understanding of various scenes. Image smoothing is an image processing method used to highlight the wide area, low-frequency components, and main part of the image or to suppress image noise and high-frequency interference components, which can make the image's brightness smooth and gradual, reduce the abrupt gradient, and improve the image quality. Reducing noise is treated as one of the important problems in image processing. At the same time, preserving the edges of objects is of critical importance to protect the visual appearance of the objects. Deep networks have marked a trend in computer vision applications and this paper presents a customized Gaussian noise minimizing network with edge preserving filers. Here, ensemble architecture of convolutional neural network is used in minimizing the Gaussian noise and image denoising. The ensemble architecture is combined with VGG-19 and Xception design of CNN. The ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are classified for Gaussian noisy images, real noisy images, blind denoising, and hybrid noisy images, representing the combination of noisy, blurred, and lowresolution images. Following the classification, motivations and principles of various deep learning methods are analyzed. Subsequently, a comparison of state-of-the-art methods on public denoising datasets is conducted, considering both quantitative and qualitative analyses. The experimental analysis is carried out in terms of PSNR, accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure.

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