DOI: 10.1177/23333936231220738 ISSN: 2333-3936

Breastfeeding a Premature Baby During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Perinatology: An Exploration of Mothers’ Experiences

Syafrida Hanum, Yeni Rustina, Fajar Tri Waluyanti
  • General Nursing

This study was conducted to explore the meaning of mothers’ experiences of breastfeeding premature babies while being treated in the perinatology room during the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive phenomenological design was used in this study to describe the meaning of mothers’ experiences. In-depth interviews were conducted with 11 mothers. The analysis of transcribed data resulted in three themes: (1) The pandemic has made it difficult for me to meet my baby, (2) Breastfeeding is not easy, and (3) I am a breast milk pumper. The breastfeeding experience of having a premature baby and being cared for by perinatology during a pandemic is full of challenges and limited support. The results of this study suggest that a review of the current regulations be carried out, and the staff be given continuing lactation education to strengthen breastfeeding support to mothers with premature babies.

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