DOI: 10.1115/1.4058432 ISSN: 0097-6822

Basis for Determining the Proportions of Standard T-Slots and Bolts

Luther D. Burlingame


For many years forward-looking engineers have urged the standardization of the holding elements of machine tools, such as T-bolts and slots. The importance of such standardization, has been generally recognized, not only by individual manufacturers but by the National Machine Tool Builders’ Association, the technical societies, and the American Engineering Standards Committee. This has resulted in the appointment of a sub-committee which for several years has been at work on the problem of providing an acceptable standard for T-slots such as are used in the tables of machine tools. A standard has now been formulated by the committee and is the subject matter of a report presented at this meeting.

A great amount of material has been collected showing past and existing practice. Tests have been conducted to ascertain the comparative strength of bolts and slots, in order that the proportions submitted might be suited to practical needs. That the report of the committee may not be loaded with the records of this investigation but instead may be concentrated on the actual proportions to be adopted that report is supplemented by this record of the underlying investigations on which it is based.

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