DOI: 10.54287/gujsa.1379024 ISSN: 2147-9542

A New Feature Selection Metric Based on Rough Sets and Information Gain in Text Classification

Rasim ÇEKİK, Mahmut KAYA
In text classification, taking words in text documents as features creates a very high dimensional feature space. This is known as the high dimensionality problem in text classification. The most common and effective way to solve this problem is to select an ideal subset of features using a feature selection approach. In this paper, a new feature selection approach called Rough Information Gain (RIG) is presented as a solution to the high dimensionality problem. Rough Information Gain extracts hidden and meaningful patterns in text data with the help of Rough Sets and computes a score value based on these patterns. The proposed approach utilizes the selection strategy of the Information Gain Selection (IG) approach when pattern extraction is completely uncertain. To demonstrate the performance of the Rough Information Gain in the experimental studies, the Micro-F1 success metric is used to compare with Information Gain Selection (IG), Chi-Square (CHI2), Gini Coefficient (GI), Discriminative Feature Selector (DFS) approaches. The proposed Rough Information Gain approach outperforms the other methods in terms of performance, according to the results.

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