DOI: 10.1145/3617996 ISSN:

A Cubic Algorithm for Computing the Hermite Normal Form of a Nonsingular Integer Matrix

Stavros Birmpilis, George Labahn, Arne Storjohann
  • Mathematics (miscellaneous)

A Las Vegas randomized algorithm is given to compute the Hermite normal form of a nonsingular integer matrix A of dimension n . The algorithm uses quadratic integer multiplication and cubic matrix multiplication and has running time bounded by O ( n 3 (log  n + log || A ||) 2 (log  n ) 2 ) bit operations, where || A || = max  ij | A ij | denotes the largest entry of A in absolute value. A variant of the algorithm that uses pseudo-linear integer multiplication is given that has running time ( n 3 log || A ||) 1 + o (1) bit operations, where the exponent `` + o (1)′′ captures additional factors \(c_1 (\log n)^{c_2} (\rm {loglog} ||A||)^{c_3} \) for positive real constants c 1 , c 2 , c 3 .

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