DOI: 10.61262/vetjku.1385979 ISSN: 2822-4922

A case report of hepatosplenomegaly due to chronic salmonellosis in Holstein calves

Alper ERTÜRK, Selçuk ÜNGÜR
In this case report, we aimed to present the clinical, macroscopic, bacteriological and antibiogram results of a chronic Salmonella spp. case in calves on a dairy farm. A total of 12 Holstein calves weaned at 75-90 days of age in a dairy farm and showing clinical signs were presented in the case report. The calves were detected with intermittent fever, diarrhea, and pneumonia that did not respond to treatment. The most remarkable finding at necropsy was hepatosplenomegaly. The diagnosis of Salmonella spp. was confirmed from the samples taken from the calves and antibiograms revealed resistance to many antibiotics. The disease was not seen again after attention to management practices and application of protective septiserum. In the presented case report, it was pointed out that chronic Salmonella spp. infection may cause severe losses in calves and also pathological findings of the infection, antibiotic resistance, preventive and management practices.

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