Ladin A. Yurteri-Kaplan, Leslie Meyn, Pam A. Moalli, Catherine S. Bradley, Raymond T. Foster, Uduak U. Andy, Noelani Guaderrama, Robert E. Gutman, Jennifer T. Anger, Amy Hull, Katie Propst, Stuart S. Shippey, Heidi W. Brown

Outcomes of Pessary Use at 1 Year in Women Treated for Pelvic Organ Prolapse in a Large Multicenter Registry

  • Urology
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Surgery

Importance There is a lack of high-quality long-term follow-up regarding pessary treatment. Most studies are case series or retrospective with a small sample size and short-term follow-up. Objectives This study aimed to evaluate differences in women who continue versus discontinue pessary use and the effectiveness, quality of life, and safety associated with pessary management at 1 year. Study Design This study analyzed a multicenter national registry following women for 3 years with vaginal prolapse treated with a pessary or surgery. The primary outcome of this analysis was to compare the difference in characteristics among those who continue versus discontinue pessary use at 12 months. Results Among 1,153 participants enrolled, 376 (32.6%) opted for a pessary, and 296 (78.7%) were successfully fitted. Data were available for 240 participants (81%). At 1 year, 62% (n = 148) were still using pessaries, and 38% (n = 92) had stopped with 25% opting for surgery. Most commonly reported de novo adverse effects were urinary leakage (16%), feeling or seeing a bulge (12%), and vaginal discharge (11%). There was no difference in baseline characteristics among women who continued versus discontinued pessary use. At 12 months, subjective symptoms were similar between groups, with similar change in symptoms from baseline on most validated instruments. Those who continued to use a pessary reported worse urinary symptoms due to de novo urinary leakage (P = 0.01). Conclusions At 1 year, most women successfully fitted with a pessary continued pessary use. Although there was a significant improvement in condition-specific quality of life and low rates of complications, approximately 40% of women discontinued pessary use by 12 months. We were unable to identify any baseline characteristics associated with pessary discontinuation.

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