DOI: 10.12968/bjom.2024.32.1.6 ISSN: 0969-4900

Evaluation of a termination of pregnancy education programme in the Republic of Ireland: part 2

Antoinette Fletcher, Triona Cowman, Hazel Cazzini, Judith Fleming, Niamh Healy
  • Maternity and Midwifery


The extension of termination of pregnancy services in the Republic of Ireland represents a significant change to practice. As a result, education was provided to assist midwives and nurses to fulfil their expanded role. Using Kirkpatrick's framework, this study aimed to conduct an in-depth evaluation to ascertain if knowledge gained at a termination of pregnancy education programme was applied to clinical practice.


Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of seven midwives and nurses, 3 months after attending a termination of pregnancy education programme.


Attendance at the programme prompted reflection on practice, with participants providing examples of how they applied the knowledge gained to the care they provide. The complexities of providing a termination of pregnancy service were highlighted, along with additional educational requirements.


Knowledge gained from the education programme was applied to practice improving termination of pregnancy care. Additional education and training needs identified will guide the development of future programmes.

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