Zbyslaw Sondka, Nidhi Bindal Dhir, Denise Carvalho-Silva, Steven Jupe, Madhumita, Karen McLaren, Mike Starkey, Sari Ward, Jennifer Wilding, Madiha Ahmed, Joanna Argasinska, David Beare, Manpreet Singh Chawla, Stephen Duke, Ilaria Fasanella, Avirup Guha Neogi, Susan Haller, Balazs Hetenyi, Leonie Hodges, Alex Holmes, Rachel Lyne, Thomas Maurel, Sumodh Nair, Helder Pedro, Amaia Sangrador-Vegas, Helen Schuilenburg, Zoe Sheard, Siew Yit Yong, Jon Teague

COSMIC: a curated database of somatic variants and clinical data for cancer

  • Genetics

Abstract The Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer (COSMIC), https://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic, is an expert-curated knowledgebase providing data on somatic variants in cancer, supported by a comprehensive suite of tools for interpreting genomic data, discerning the impact of somatic alterations on disease, and facilitating translational research. The catalogue is accessed and used by thousands of cancer researchers and clinicians daily, allowing them to quickly access information from an immense pool of data curated from over 29 thousand scientific publications and large studies. Within the last 4 years, COSMIC has substantially expanded its utility by adding new resources: the Mutational Signatures catalogue, the Cancer Mutation Census, and Actionability. To improve data accessibility and interoperability, somatic variants have received stable genomic identifiers that are associated with their genomic coordinates in GRCh37 and GRCh38, and new export files with reduced data redundancy have been made available for download.

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