A. Revathi, R. Kaladevi, M. Vimaladevi, S. Hariharan, A. K. Cherukuri, R. Sujatha

Correlation between Vaccination and Child Mortality Rate Using Multivariate Linear Regression Model

  • Library and Information Sciences
  • Computer Networks and Communications
  • Computer Science Applications

Population has increased drastically over the years and new diseases compete with the population. Immunisation is a preventive measure, which makes the person resistant or immune to the disease. Vaccination stimulates our own immune system against infection or diseases. Vaccines are available for more than twenty life-threatening diseases and it saves millions of lives throughout the world. In the 70th World Assembly conducted in the year 2017, around 194 countries participated and took the oath to strengthen vaccination thereby achieving goals of Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP). In spite of remarkable immunisation progress, approximately 20 million infants are not exposed to vaccination every year. The immunisation progress has stalled or even reversed in some countries, and there is a real risk that complacency will undermine past achievements. This paper considered the database of vaccine consumption rate from many countries issued by WHO to analyse the reason for poor access to vaccine with respect to the morality and poverty levels. For this analysis, the relation between vaccine consumption by children below five years, the children’s death rate record issued by the United Nations Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF), poverty index issued by the United Nations are considered. Multivariate linear regression algorithm is used to identify the correlation between datasets. The result shows that an increase in vaccination coverage results in reduction on mortality rate in most of the countries. A correlation coefficient of 0.7 was found between IMR and the vaccine dosages. Sub-Sahara countries’ poverty index has direct impact on the declined view of vaccination coverage.

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