Anthony Overmars, Sitalakshmi Venkatraman

Continued Fractions Applied to the One Line Factoring Algorithm for Breaking RSA

  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • General Environmental Science

The RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) cryptosystem is an asymmetric public key cryptosystem popular for its use in encryptions and digital signatures. However, the Wiener’s attack on the RSA cryptosystem utilizes continued fractions, which has generated much interest in developing competitive factoring algorithms. A general-purpose integer factorization method first proposed by Lehmer and Powers formed the basis of the well-known Continued Fraction Factorization (CFRAC) method. Recent work on the one line factoring algorithm by Hart and its connection with Lehman’s factoring method have motivated this paper. The emphasis of this paper is to explore the representations of PQ as continued fractions and the suitability of lower ordered convergences as representations of ab. These simpler convergences are then prescribed to Hart’s one line factoring algorithm. As an illustration, we demonstrate the working of our approach with two numbers: one smaller number and another larger number occupying 95 bits. Using our method, the fourth convergence finds the factors as the solution for the smaller number, while the eleventh convergence finds the factors for the larger number. The security of the RSA public key cryptosystem relies on the computational difficulty of factoring large integers. Among the challenges in breaking RSA semi-primes, RSA250, which is an 829-bit semi-prime, continues to hold a research record. In this paper, we apply our method to factorize RSA250 and present the practical implementation of our algorithm. Our approach’s theoretical and experimental findings demonstrate the reduction of the search space and a faster solution to the semi-prime factorization problem, resulting in key contributions and practical implications. We identify further research to extend our approach by exploring limitations and additional considerations such as the difference of squares method, paving the way for further research in this direction.

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