Siu-Wai Choi, Aria Kaiyuan Sun, Jason Pui-Yin Cheung, Jemmi Ching-Ying Ho

Circulating Tumour Cells in the Prediction of Bone Metastasis

  • Cancer Research
  • Oncology

Bone is the most common organ for the development of metastases in many primary tumours, including those of the breast, prostate and lung. In most cases, bone metastasis is incurable, and treatment is predominantly palliative. Much research has focused on the role of Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs) in the mechanism of metastasis to the bone, and methods have been developed to isolate and count CTCs from peripheral blood. Several methods are currently being used in the study of CTCs, but only one, the CellSearchTM system has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for clinical use. This review summarises the advantages and disadvantages, and outlines which clinical studies have used these methods. Studies have found that CTC numbers are predictive of bone metastasis in breast, prostate and lung cancer. Further work is required to incorporate information on CTCs into current staging systems to guide treatment in the prevention of tumour progression into bone.

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