Paul Fowler, Alessandra Bearzatto, Carol Beevers, Ewan Booth, E Maria Donner, Lin Gan, Kerstin Hartmann, Krista Meurer, Maaike E Schutte, Raja S Settivari

Assessment of the three-test genetic toxicology battery for groundwater metabolites

  • Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
  • Genetics (clinical)
  • Toxicology
  • Genetics

Abstract The two-test in vitro battery for genotoxicity testing (Ames and micronucleus) has, in the majority of cases replaced the three-test battery (as two test plus mammalian cell gene mutation assay) for the routine testing of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and agrochemical metabolites originating from food and feed as well as from water treatment. The guidance for testing of agrochemical groundwater metabolites, however, still relies on the three-test battery. Data collated in this study from eighteen plant protection and related materials highlights the disparity between the often negative Ames and in vitro chromosome aberration data and frequently positive in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation assays. Sixteen of the eighteen collated materials with complete datasets were Ames negative, and overall had negative outcomes in in vitro chromosome damage tests (weight of evidence from multiple tests). Mammalian cell gene mutation assays (HPRT and/or MLA) were positive in at least one test for every material with this data. Where both MLA and HPRT tests were performed on the same material, the HPRT seemed to give fewer positive responses. In vivo follow up tests included combinations of comet assays, unscheduled DNA synthesis and transgenic rodent gene mutation assays, all gave negative outcomes. The inclusion of mammalian cell gene mutation assays in a three-test battery for groundwater metabolites is therefore not justified and leads to unnecessary in vivo follow up testing.

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