DOI: 10.4103/jorr.jorr_48_23 ISSN: 2249-4987

Assessment of patient satisfaction level with orthodontic treatment in private orthodontic practice: A questionnaire survey

Nabin Kumar Chaudhary, Tekendra Chaulagain, Bishow Prakash Thakur, Suvin Chaudhary
  • General Engineering



Patient satisfaction gives important insight into the patient’s expectations and perceptions of the quality of service. There have not been many studies done in Nepal on the evaluation of orthodontic treatment satisfaction after it has been completed.


The goal of this study was to analyze patient satisfaction after orthodontic treatment was completed.

Settings and Design:

In Private Dental Clinics in Kathmandu, Nepal, 115 patients who had finished their orthodontic treatment within a year of the research’s inception were the subjects of this descriptive cross-sectional study.

Materials and Methods:

The patient was called over the phone for a follow-up examination. At the time of follow-up, the data was collected from them by a self-administered questionnaire.

Statistical Analysis Used:

The degree of satisfaction was measured using descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages, and the Likert 5-point scale. The Mann–Whitney U-test was used to compare the levels of satisfaction between males and females, as well as across age groups (15–25 years) and those beyond 25 years after orthodontic treatment had finished.


The degree of satisfaction of patients was excellent regarding the behavior of the orthodontist. In terms of patient satisfaction, there was no discernible difference between patients of either gender. The degree of satisfaction with the orthodontist’s behavior varied significantly across patients in the age groups of 15–25 years and those above 25 years.


The level of patient satisfaction following the completion of orthodontic treatment will aid in service improvement, planning, and organization, leading to high-quality care.

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