DOI: 10.46592/turkager.1343229 ISSN: 2717-8420

Application of Solar Energy to Liquify Beewax

  • Pharmacology (medical)
  • Complementary and alternative medicine
  • Pharmaceutical Science
This study investigates the feasibility of using solar energy for melting recycled older combs and capping wax byproducts to create raw beeswax. The solar-driven beeswax melter is composed of a stainless steel container, a lean-to structure featuring polycarbonate sheet covers, a wooden solar heater, and parallel arrays of PV solar panels. The research contrasts three distinct approaches for melting beeswax: the conventional water bath technique, exclusive reliance on solar energy for melting, and the combination of solar energy and supplementary heat from solar panels. The traditional water bath method's effectiveness and the bulk temperature of the liquified beeswax were gauged. In the case of the solar-powered wax melting setups, the process's efficiency, the melted wax's bulk temperature, and various macroclimatic factors such as sunlight radiation, temperature, and relative humidity were documented. Based on the experimental outcomes, the beeswax melting efficiency was determined to be 73.4% for the traditional water bath method, whereas it escalated to 85.5% and 87.2% for the solar approaches, respectively. Hence, the utilization of solar techniques for beeswax melting is recommended.

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