Jorge Aurelio Gutiérrez-González, Emilia González De La Torre, Edgar Alan Armijo-Borjón, Abraham Alexander Alarcón-Sandoval, Francisco Javier Reyna-Sepulveda, Fernando Felix Montes-Tapia, Gerardo Enrique Muñoz-Maldonado

Annular pancreas as a cause of neonatal duodenal obstruction, a case report

  • Surgery

Abstract The annular pancreas (AP) is an uncommon congenital anomaly, characterised by a circumferential envelope in the second portion of the duodenum. In recent years, some genetic component has been found in the etiology. A newborn full-term male, weighing at 1910 g at birth, had a history of intrauterine growth restriction and diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot, Down syndrome and congenital hypothyroidism. Duodenal membrane is suspected after persistent postprandial vomiting and abdominal distension; his abdomen was distended, hyperresonant and soft. The gastroduodenal series showed data compatible with a duodenal membrane so exploratory laparotomy was performed, finding the pancreas completely wrapping the second portion of the duodenum, so a diamond-shaped-duodenoduodenostomy anastomosis was performed. The AP should be considered, especially in male neonates with postprandial vomiting, abdominal distension, who show some other congenital anomaly, and in the abdominal X-ray, the sign of the double bubble is observed.

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