DOI: 10.3390/ma16155410 ISSN: 1996-1944

An Inspection Technique for Steel Pipes Wall Condition Using Ultrasonic Guided Helical Waves and a Limited Number of Transducers

Renaldas Raišutis, Olgirdas Tumšys, Egidijus Žukauskas, Vykintas Samaitis, Lina Draudvilienė, Audrius Jankauskas
  • General Materials Science

This research utilizes Ultrasonic Guided Waves (UGW) to inspect corrosion-type defects in steel pipe walls, providing a solution for hard-to-reach areas typically inaccessible by traditional non-destructive testing (NDT) methods. Fundamental helical UGW modes are used, allowing the detection of defects anywhere on the pipe’s circumference using a limited number of transducers and measurements on the upper side of the pipe. Finite element (FE) modeling and experiments investigated generating and receiving UGW helical waves and their propagation through varying corrosion-type defects. Defect detection is based on phase delay differences in the helical wave’s signal amplitude peaks between defective and defect-free regions. Phase delay variations were noted for the different depths and spatial dimensions of the defects. These results highlight the phase delay method’s potential for NDT pipeline inspection.

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