Zygmunt Meyer, Kamil Stachecki

An Attempt to Analytically Determine Course of the Continuous Q-S Curve in Case of Changed Pile Length or Diameter

Abstract In this paper authors have described the analytical method of continuous static load test Q-s curve conversion for any given pile. Authors have used data sets from static load tests conducted by Energopol Szczecin S.A. in a full range of loads which allows to use of measured values of pile maximum bearing capacity and determine relation between it and pile length and diameter. All the piles used in this paper were CFA piles bored in mostly loam soil conditions. The research described in this work was based on the Meyer-Kowalow method (M-K method) of static load test interpretation. The M-K method allows for a full description of the load-settlement relation, as a continuous curve (M-K curve) using three parameters that described pile-soil interaction. As a result of conducted research relations between parameters describing M-K curve and pile dimensions were established, which allows for a practical application of the proposed method. In this paper, the authors presented an example of the practical use of curve conversion to analyze the impact of changes in geometric dimensions on pile-soil interaction. The proposed method allows for a curve conversion of the total resistance curve, as well as a curve describing base and skin resistances.

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