Mariyam Farhana B, Reddy Prashanthi M, Nithya S, Prathiksha M

AES Algorithm Based Data Possession in Cloud Using Blockchain

  • Geometry and Topology
  • Algebra and Number Theory
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • General Environmental Science

Remote secure data storage is key importance in cloud computing. So, for checking remote data integrity, an important paradigm called PDP schemes is introduced. There are still PDP schemes which bilinear matching can be used. One huge file can be broken into various blocks. There is much computation cost and communication cost that arises due to inefficient PDP implementation. Anyway, this is not the right solution therefore, to solve this kind of problem, we propose a new one The PDP model: a blockchain-based private PDP. This new one the solution can be leveraged using blockchain which is vital role in cryptocurrency. For this new concept, paper formalizes its system model and security model. And then a specific blockchain-based private PDP scheme is created designed using blockchain and AES. It is very much safer and we also analyze its performance two different parts: theoretical analysis and implementation the prototype was our analyzes show that the proposed PDP the system is safe, efficient and practical.

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