DOI: 10.1002/pmic.202300202 ISSN: 1615-9853

A top‐down proteomic approach reveals a salivary protein profile able to classify Parkinson's disease with respect to Alzheimer's disease patients and to healthy controls

Cristina Contini, Laura Fadda, Greca Lai, Carla Masala, Alessandra Olianas, Massimo Castagnola, Irene Messana, Federica Iavarone, Alessandra Bizzarro, Carlo Masullo, Paolo Solla, Giovanni Defazio, Barbara Manconi, Giacomo Diaz, Tiziana Cabras
  • Molecular Biology
  • Biochemistry


Parkinson's disease (PD) is a complex neurodegenerative disease with motor and non‐motor symptoms. Diagnosis is complicated by lack of reliable biomarkers. To individuate peptides and/or proteins with diagnostic potential for early diagnosis, severity and discrimination from similar pathologies, the salivary proteome in 36 PD patients was investigated in comparison with 36 healthy controls (HC) and 35 Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. A top‐down platform based on HPLC‐ESI‐IT‐MS allowed characterizing and quantifying intact peptides, small proteins and their PTMs (overall 51). The three groups showed significantly different protein profiles, PD showed the highest levels of cystatin SA and antileukoproteinase and the lowest of cystatin SN and some statherin proteoforms. HC exhibited the lowest abundance of thymosin β4, short S100A9, cystatin A, and dimeric cystatin B. AD patients showed the highest abundance of α‐defensins and short oxidized S100A9. Moreover, different proteoforms of the same protein, as S‐cysteinylated and S‐glutathionylated cystatin B, showed opposite trends in the two pathological groups. Statherin, cystatins SA and SN classified accurately PD from HC and AD subjects. α‐defensins, histatin 1, oxidized S100A9, and P‐B fragments were the best classifying factors between PD and AD patients. Interestingly statherin and thymosin β4 correlated with defective olfactory functions in PD patients. All these outcomes highlighted implications of specific proteoforms involved in the innate‐immune response and inflammation regulation at oral and systemic level, suggesting a possible panel of molecular and clinical markers suitable to recognize subjects affected by PD.

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