Jeong Hee Woong

A Performance Comparison of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems for Time Series Forecasting

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Computational Theory and Mathematics
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Computational Mechanics

Artificial neural networks and fuzzy structures have gained significant popularity in the last decade for time series forecasting. The objective is to conduct a performance comparison of various strategies to determine which ones are more effective for time series forecasting. The dataset provides instruction and evaluates forecasting models, utilizing artificial neural networks and fuzzy architectures. The observation evaluates the overall effectiveness of the forecasting models and the use of the root mean square error and means absolute error measures. This comparison analysis provides initial insights into the efficacy of artificial neural networks and fuzzy structures for predicting time series data. In predicting time series data, this study examines the precision of two renowned artificial intelligence systems, Neural Networks and Fuzzy structures. To evaluate the two algorithms, two distinct types of time series were utilized: a synthetic dataset consisting of 150 variables and a real-world dataset including 129 data points about monetary forecasts. The models' forecasting accuracy, training duration, and generalization abilities were compared. The findings validated that neural network surpassed fuzzy structures in all performance metrics when handling synthetic data. This research emphasizes the capabilities of artificial neural networks and fuzzy structures in addressing complicated forecasting problems. It demonstrates that both techniques may be utilized for predicting future time series values.

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