A Novel Robust Metric Distance Optimization-Driven Manifold Learning Framework for Semi-Supervised Pattern Classification
Bao Ma, Jun Ma, Guolin Yu- Geometry and Topology
- Logic
- Mathematical Physics
- Algebra and Number Theory
- Analysis
In this work, we address the problem of improving the classification performance of machine learning models, especially in the presence of noisy and outlier data. To this end, we first innovatively design a generalized adaptive robust loss function called Vθ(x). Intuitively, Vθ(x) can improve the robustness of the model by selecting different robust loss functions for different learning tasks during the learning process via the adaptive parameter θ. Compared with other robust loss functions, Vθ(x) has some desirable salient properties, such as symmetry, boundedness, robustness, nonconvexity, and adaptivity, making it suitable for a wide range of machine learning applications. Secondly, a new robust semi-supervised learning framework for pattern classification is proposed. In this learning framework, the proposed robust loss function Vθ(x) and capped L2,p-norm robust distance metric are introduced to improve the robustness and generalization performance of the model, especially when the outliers are far from the normal data distributions. Simultaneously, based on this learning framework, the Welsch manifold robust twin bounded support vector machine (WMRTBSVM) and its least-squares version are developed. Finally, two effective iterative optimization algorithms are designed, their convergence is proved, and their complexity is calculated. Experimental results on several datasets with different noise settings and different evaluation criteria show that our methods have better classification performance and robustness. With the Cancer dataset, when there is no noise, the classification accuracy of our proposed methods is 94.17% and 95.62%, respectively. When the Gaussian noise is 50%, the classification accuracy of our proposed methods is 91.76% and 90.59%, respectively, demonstrating that our method has satisfactory classification performance and robustness.