Robert M. Mok, Bradley C. Love

A multilevel account of hippocampal function in spatial and concept learning: Bridging models of behavior and neural assemblies

  • Multidisciplinary

A complete neuroscience requires multilevel theories that address phenomena ranging from higher-level cognitive behaviors to activities within a cell. We propose an extension to the level of mechanism approach where a computational model of cognition sits in between behavior and brain: It explains the higher-level behavior and can be decomposed into lower-level component mechanisms to provide a richer understanding of the system than any level alone. Toward this end, we decomposed a cognitive model into neuron-like units using a neural flocking approach that parallels recurrent hippocampal activity. Neural flocking coordinates units that collectively form higher-level mental constructs. The decomposed model suggested how brain-scale neural populations coordinate to form assemblies encoding concept and spatial representations and why so many neurons are needed for robust performance at the cognitive level. This multilevel explanation provides a way to understand how cognition and symbol-like representations are supported by coordinated neural populations (assemblies) formed through learning.

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