Riikka Niemelä, Anna-Mari Laulumaa, Anna-Kaisa Tupala, Kaisa J. Raatikainen

A detour in research through the gorge: Approaching human–nature connections with site-specific performance

  • Literature and Literary Theory
  • Visual Arts and Performing Arts
  • Cultural Studies

This article examines the eligibility of a theatre-based method in transdisciplinary research into human–nature connectedness. We elaborate on a need to refine scientific tools with creative means of art to find novel ways to explore dimensions of human–nature relations unobtainable with conventional scientific methods. Over the past few decades, arts-based research (ABR) methods have gained more popularity in academic research as they offer opportunities to approach aspects previously neglected in science, such as embodied and sensory experience. In this article, we describe the study accomplished in the form of site-specific performance at a nature conservation area combined with qualitative research inquiry focusing on participants’ ideas and experiences of nature. We reflect on the benefits of combining art and science when aiming at a better understanding of the range of variegated ideas and conceptualizations behind human behaviour, and at gaining knowledge of topics that are complex and contradictory.

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