A Comprehensive Study of Sushrutokta Upamas with Special Reference to Sharira Sthana
Rajani Dhaded, Rekha Sakkari, Vinod Ullegaddi- General Mathematics
Ayurveda is the very ancient science of Life. The science of Ayurveda is the divine gift to mankind. Acquiring knowledge with some analogous examples or similar known descriptions is termed as Upamana Pramana. It is the source of our knowledge regarding the relationship between names and the things to be named. The base of knowledge is the resemblance or similarities and dissimilarities between two objects and their comparison to obtaining knowledge about unknown phenomena. It has immense utility in the field of medicine. Sushruta explained this as a separate tool for learning. It also helps in easy comprehension of the subject enabling the lay persons or beginners to understand the same. Keywords: Ayurveda, Upamana, Analogy, Upama, Sharira Sthana.