DOI: 10.21272/ftrk.2023.15(2)-10 ISSN: 2410-373X

A Comparison of Online Peer Assessment and Face-to-face Peer Assessment

Ufuk Güven, Joseph Kush, Behlül Bilal Sezer
  • Pharmacology (medical)

The main objective of this study was to compare students’ face-to-face and online peer assessment grades. In the first phase of the study, each student presented their work within a traditional classroom setting. The other students and the instructor provided grades based on a predefined rubric. In the second phase of the study, the same students presented their work within the same traditional classroom setting, however this time students and the instructor provided grades with their smartphones through a Web 2.0 tool. The study used student grades as the independent variable and grading method (face-to-face and online) as the dependent variable. Students’ peer assessments were also compared with the instructor’s grades to see in which assessment environment students gave instructor-like grades. Several paired t-tests were computed to compare groups. The results indicated that the students’ grades in face-to-face format was significantly higher than the students’ grades in online setting as well as the instructor’s face to face grades. In contrast, students provided instructor-like grades in online peer assessment setting. The study concluded that students give higher grades in face-to-face assessment setting. The most likely reason for this result is the peer pressure that exists in traditional classroom environment character.

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