DOI: 10.3390/app13179685 ISSN:

A Combinatory Framework for Link Prediction in Complex Networks

Paraskevas Dimitriou, Vasileios Karyotis
  • Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes
  • Computer Science Applications
  • Process Chemistry and Technology
  • General Engineering
  • Instrumentation
  • General Materials Science

Link prediction is a very important field in network science with various emerging algorithms, the goal of which is to estimate the presence or absence of an edge in the network. Depending on the type of network, different link prediction algorithms can be applied, being less or more effective in the relevant scenarios. In this work, we develop a novel framework that attempts to compose the best features of link prediction algorithms when applied to a network, in order to have even more reliable predictions, especially in topologies emerging in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) environments. According to the proposed framework, we first apply appropriate link prediction algorithms that we have chosen for an analyzed network (basic algorithms). Each basic algorithm gives us a numerical estimate for each missing edge in the network. We store the results of each basic algorithm in appropriate structures. Then we provide them as input to a developed genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm evaluates the results of the basic algorithms for each missing edge of the network. At each missing edge of the network and from generation to generation, it composes the estimates of the basic algorithms regarding each edge and produces a new optimized estimate. This optimization results in a vector of weights where each weight corresponds to the effectiveness of the prediction for each of the basic algorithms we have employed. With these weights, we build a new enhanced predictor tool, which can obtain new optimized estimates for each missing edge in the network. The enhanced predictor tool applies to each missing edge the basic algorithms, normalizes the basic algorithms’ estimates, and, using the weights of the estimates derived from the genetic algorithm, returns a new estimate of whether or not an edge will be added in the future. According to the results of our experiments on several types of networks with five well-known link prediction algorithms, we show that the new enhanced predictor tool yields in every case better predictions than each individual algorithm, therefore providing an accuracy-targeting alternative in the existing state of the art.

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