DOI: 10.4155/bio-2023-0110 ISSN: 1757-6180

A biomarker assay validation approach tailored to the context of use and bioanalytical platform

Elizabeth S Hickford, Lien Dejager, Daisy Yuill, Apoorva Kotian, Sucharita Shankar, Ludovicus Staelens, Hans Ulrichts, Sion Lewis, Jade Louber, Amanda Williams, Gabrielle S Le Provost, Paul Cutler
  • Medical Laboratory Technology
  • Clinical Biochemistry
  • General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
  • General Medicine
  • Analytical Chemistry

It is widely acknowledged by the bioanalytical and biomarker community that biomarker assay validations should be fit-for-purpose depending on the context of use. The challenge is how to consistently apply these principles in teams responsible for measuring a disparate array of biomarkers, often on multiple analytical platforms, at various stages of the drug discovery and development pipeline and across diverse biology focus areas. To drive consistency, while maintaining the necessary flexibility to allow validations to be driven by scientific rationale and taking into consideration the context of use and associated biological and (pre)analytical factors, a framework applicable across biomarker assays was developed. Herein the authors share their perspective to engage in the ongoing conversation around fit-for-purpose biomarker assay validation.

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