DOI: 10.1002/smll.202310225 ISSN: 1613-6810

3D Flower‐like Nanospheres Constructed by Transition Metal Telluride Nanosheets as Sulfur Immobilizers for High‐Performance Room‐Temperature Na‐S Batteries

Wanjie Gao, Bingyan Song, Qianyu Zhang, Jiarui He, Yuping Wu
  • Biomaterials
  • Biotechnology
  • General Materials Science
  • General Chemistry


Room‐temperature sodium‐sulfur (RT Na‐S) batteries hold immense promise as next‐generation energy storage systems, owing to their exceptionally high theoretical capacity, abundant resources, eco‐friendliness, and affordability. Nevertheless, their practical application is impeded by the shuttling effect of sodium polysulfides (NaPSs) and sluggish sulfur redox kinetics. In this study, an advanced strategy by designing 3D flower‐like molybdenum telluride (MoTe2) as an efficient catalyst to promote sulfur redox for RT Na‐S batteries is presented. The unique 3D flower‐like MoTe2 effectively prevents NaPS shuttling and simultaneously offers abundant active catalytic sites facilitating polysulfide redox. Consequently, the obtained MoTe2/S cathode delivers an outstanding initial reversible capacity of 1015 mAh g−1 at 0.1 C, along with robust cycling stability of retaining 498 mAh g−1 at 1 C after 500 cycles. In addition, pouch cells are fabricated with the MoTe2 additive to deliver an ultrahigh initial discharge capacity of 890 mAh g−1 and remain stable over 40 cycles under practically necessary conditions, demonstrating the potential application in the commercialization of RT Na‐S batteries.

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