DOI: 10.2337/db23-333-or ISSN: 0012-1797

333-OR: What Motivates People to Enroll in the National Diabetes Prevention Program Lifestyle Change Program

  • Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
  • Internal Medicine

In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began collecting data on what motivates people to enroll in the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) lifestyle change program (LCP). Upon enrolling in the LCP, participants are asked, “Who/what motivated you the most to sign up for this program?” Participants may choose health care professional, blood test results, prediabetes risk test, someone at a community-based organization (CBO), family/friends, current/past participant in the LCP, employer/employer’s wellness plan, health insurance plan, and media advertisements. By October 2022, these data had been collected on 128,116 eligible participants, of whom 25% reported that the prediabetes risk test motivated them the most, followed by their employer/employer’s wellness plan (23%), and health care professional (14%). Motivators were similar in men and women, with the prediabetes risk test and employer/employer’s wellness plan being the top 2 motivators. Across age groups, the prediabetes risk test and employer/employer’s wellness plan motivated adults aged 18-64 years the most, while health care professionals motivated individuals aged 65 years and over the most. Motivators varied across racial/ethnic groups, with family/friends, current/past participants, and someone at a CBO motivating some groups more than others. Though more participants were motivated by the prediabetes risk test, they did not stay in the program as long as those who were motivated by their employer/employer’s wellness plan, family/friends, or someone at a CBO (180 mean days vs. 278, 264, and 261 days, respectively). What might motivate participants to enroll in the LCP may not be what helps them stay in the program longer and may influence their risk reduction outcomes, including weight loss and engagement in physical activity. Understanding motivators can help organizations focus recruitment and enrollment efforts and support participants in achieving their goals.


M.Papalii: None. E.Ely: None.

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