Overleaf est finaliste aux Digital Leaders Impact Awards 2022

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Overleaf was named a finalist at the 6th Digital Leaders Impact Awards 2022 after making the top 3 in the Education category!


We are delighted to announce that our friends at Overleaf are finalists in the 6th Digital Leaders Impact Awards 2022.

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The Digital Leaders Impact Awards aims to recognize digital technology innovations that improve people’s lives. Individuals, companies, government agencies, or non-profit organizations can apply.

Overleaf is nominated in the top three in the education category, recognizing its efforts to create a collaborative real-time online latex editor used by over 9 million users.

There will also be a People’s Choice Award from Digital Leaders, honoring the most popular finalist through a public vote! You can help them win this award by voting for them. Voting is open until 9 March.

Please click on this link here and help them win. And if you have time, it would be amazing to share this with your friends. :)

The winners will be announced at the Impact Awards Ceremony on 10 March at the Ministry of Sound in London.