DOI: 10.1093/qjmed/hcad069.255 ISSN:

Sensory Integration Therapy as a Management of Sensory Deficits in Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Heba Mamdouh Abdul-Majeed, Mona Sameeh Khodeir, Nirvana Gamal El-Din Hafez
  • General Medicine



Sensory integration therapy (SIT) has been used for the management of sensory processing deficits associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This work presents an overview of these sensory processing deficits and the SIT. This study aims to provide an evidencebased practice regarding the effectiveness of the SIT in the management of such sensory processing disorders in children with ASD.


To evaluate the effectiveness of the SIT as a therapy for the sensory processing symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorders in children. This will be made by conducting a systematic review of the literature in this topic area.

Material and Method

Search for any RCTs or retrospective studies that were in English language only. Study participants were not less than 5 children 3-12 yrs aged diagnosed with ASD. The intervention was validated by Ayres Sensory Integration® Fidelity Measure© (ASIFM) to ensure treatment integrity and effectiveness was measured by outcome measures such as SPM or SP.

Data Sources

PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, ScienceDirect, and all materials available on the Internet till 2020.

Data Extraction

If the studies did not fulfill the inclusion criteria, they were excluded. Study quality assessment included whether ethical approval was gained, eligibility criteria specified, appropriate controls, and adequate information, and defined assessment measures.


The current systematic review has not concluded that SIT may have a positive effect on improving sensory processing defects that are found in children with ASD. We suggest that more literature review would be effective in giving attention to the limitations of this study.

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