DOI: 10.1177/00202940231195128 ISSN: 0020-2940

Robust planning for distributed energy storage systems considering location marginal prices of distribution networks

Yue Sun, Luohao Wang, Shengnan Zhao, Xingong Cheng, Qiqiang Li
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Control and Optimization
  • Instrumentation

Energy storage plays an important role in integrating renewable energy sources and power systems, thus how to deploy growing distributed energy storage systems (DESSs) while meeting technical requirements of distribution networks is a challenging problem. This paper proposes an area-to-bus planning path with network constraints for DESSs under uncertainty. First, a distribution location marginal price (DLMP) formulation with maximum fluctuation boundaries of uncertainties is designed to select vulnerable areas exceeding voltage limits and higher line losses that occur in distribution networks. Different from simple multi-scenario power flow calculation and sensitivity analysis, DLMP with time and regional characteristics could be more intuitive to reflect line losses and voltage limits of distribution networks through price signals. After that, a two-stage stochastic robust optimization based planning method is developed to determine locations and capacities of DESSs in vulnerable areas. To make the uncertainty problem more tractable, stochastic scenarios are used to portray upper and lower boundaries of uncertainties, which avoids too-conservative decisions for robust optimization. Finally, numerical tests are implemented to testify the reasonability and validity of the proposed area-to-bus planning path under uncertainty. Compared with the DESSs planning framework without DLMP, the costs of DESSs are observably reduced with DLMP. With same budgets of uncertainty, investment costs of DESSs for the stochastic robust optimization with 30 and 50 scenarios are 3.91% and 4.45% lower than classical adaptive robust optimization (ARO).

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