DOI: 10.1063/10.0031920 ISSN: 0360-0335
Electron–phonon interaction in disordered beryllium films
A. V. Butenko, E. I. Bukhshtab, V. Yu. Kashirin, Yu. F. KomnikInelastic electron scattering in Be films is investigated experimentally by measuring the localization corrections to the conductivity. The existence of the dependence τϕ ∼ T−2 for T > T0, observed earlier for semimetal films and its absence at T < T0 are confirmed. The temperature T0 corresponds to the equality of the thermal phonon wavelength to the film thickness. A comparison of the obtained experimental results with the theory and with the calculated values of the sound velocity indicates that the inelastic scattering of electrons by transverse phonons plays a decisive role.