DOI: 10.1063/10.0031763 ISSN: 0360-0335
Electrical and magnetic properties of La(Ba, Sr)CuO and YBaCuO superconducting compounds
B. I. Verkin, V. M. Dmitriev, A. I. Zvyagin, M. B. Kosmyna, V. I. Kut’ko, L. S. Litinskaya, A. S. Panfilov, V. B. Pluzhnikov, O. R. Prikhod’ko, E. K. Saliichuk, I. V. Svechkarev, V. N. Svetlov, V. P. Seminozhenko, A. L. Solov’ev, E. V. Khristenko, G. E. ChurilovWe have studied the electrical resistivity and magnetic properties of high-resistance lanthanum and yttrium metal-oxide ceramics. These properties indicate that the superconductivity of such ceramics is due to a network of conducting channels. We found the superconducting gap to be 2Δ ≲ (5.2–5.9) kTc and have measured its temperature dependence and the value of Hc1 for a number of the ceramics.