Electric dipole moment of excited octupolar molecules: Potential qubit implementation
Anatoly I. IvanovThe first excited state of conjugated donor–acceptor molecules of C3 symmetry (octupolar molecules) is doubly degenerate. Such a doublet is known to be isomorphic to a spin 1/2. It is shown that a large electric dipole moment is associated with this spin. Since the mean value of the electric dipole moment of an octupolar molecule is a measure of the symmetry breaking charge transfer, a dimensionless dipole moment called the dissymmetry vector is introduced. The dissymmetry vector operator is constructed. A linear tensor connection between this operator and the Pauli matrices is found. The tensor character is due to the two-dimensionality of the dipole moment. The dipole moment can rotate freely in the plane of the molecule as long as the C3 symmetry is maintained. The rotation is associated only with the rearrangement of the electronic subsystem of the molecule and does not affect the spatial position of the nuclei. This opens up the possibility of changing the dipole moment state on a subpicosecond time scale. The Jahn–Teller effect on the dissymmetry vector is considered in detail. It is shown that the dissymmetry vector can be controlled using electric fields in the same way as three-dimensional spin if both static and alternating electric fields are in the plane of the molecule. The conducted studies indicate that the dipole moment of excited octupolar molecules is a promising candidate for the physical implementation of a qubit.