DOI: 10.11648/j.ajbio.20241206.16 ISSN: 2330-0167

Effects of a Combination of Honey and Vitamin C on the Blood Parameters of Broiler Chicks

Ebele Azaka, Ufele-Obiesie Nwogor, Ononye Uzonna, Offor Onyinyechi, Afoemezie Philippa, Okeke Janefrances, Akwuaka Chinasaram, Aghalu Chinonye, Olisa Sylvia, Okafor Chinwendu
Poultry production is a good way of boosting the growth of the national economy. This study was conducted to determine the impact of vitamin C and honey on a few blood parameters of broiler chickens. A total of sixty-four-week-old broiler chickens were used in this study. Four experimental diet treatments were given to the chickens. Treatment 1 were given to broilers in cage A that contained no honey and no vitamin C in their drinking water. Treatment 2 was given to broilers in cage B which contained only 5 ml of honey. Treatment 3 was given to broilers in cage C which contained only 100 mg of vitamin C. Treatment 4 was given to broilers in cage D which contained 5 ml of honey and 100 mg of vitamin C. The experiment lasted for 10 weeks during which the following parameters were monitored; PCV and plasma protein. Analysis of variance was performed on the gathered data at a 5% significance level. The result of this study revealed that the highest PCV increase was recorded in the broiler chicks in Treatment 4 (27.40%) while the least was recorded in Treatment 1 (23.80%). After ten weeks, the PCV rise of broiler chicks receiving the four treatments did not differ significantly (P>0.05). The highest total protein was recorded in the broiler chicks in Treatment 3 (3.70 g/dl) while the least total protein (2.20 g/dl) was recorded in Treatment 4. The total protein of broiler chicks that received the four treatments for ten weeks varied significantly (P<0.05). The highest albumin was recorded in the broiler chicks in Treatment 2 (2.23 g/dl) while the least albumin (1.20 g/dl) was recorded in Treatments 1 and 4. There was significant difference between the albumin of broiler chicks given T3 and other treatments (P<0.05) except T2 (P>0.05) for 10 weeks. The highest globulin was recorded in the broiler chicks in Treatment 3 (1.67 g/dl) while the least globulin (1.10 g/dl) was recorded in Treatment 2 and 4. There was significant difference between the globulin of broiler chicks given T3 and other treatments (P<0.05) for 10 weeks. It was determined that combining honey and vitamin C is preferable than utilizing them separately as well as the control water.

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