DOI: 10.1063/10.0031889 ISSN: 0360-0335
Effect of strain-induced effects on the temperature dependence of the electric resistivity of Nb
I. F. Borisova, I. A. Gindin, B. A. Merisov, V. I. Sokolenko, Ya. D. StarodubovThe electrical resistivity of niobium in the initial state and after rolling at 20 K has been measured in the temperature interval 9.5−310 K. The results are analyzed with the help of a model taking into account the intraband and interband scattering. It is shown that the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity in the initial and deformed samples is described by this model to a high degree of accuracy. Strain-induced defects lead to a lowering of the Debye temperature, a stronger intraband scattering and electron–phonon scattering.