Adhip Jain, Dr. K. B. Panda

Diction Analysis in Adiga's Between the Assassinations: A Socio-linguistic Inspection of Selected Stories

  • General Medicine

The effectiveness of any statement hinges on the adept utilization of language by the speaker. When an author selects the appropriate vocabulary, it not only conveys the precise meaning but also encapsulates the speaker's intended mood. The choice of words is a powerful tool that goes beyond mere communication; it serves as a reflection of the speaker's social standing, educational background, ethnic values, and the broader societal context to which they belong, i.e., their speech community. Aravind Adiga adeptly employs socio-linguistic principles in his stories to establish a profound connection with the reader. Adiga deliberately tailors the manner of speaking characters use in their daily lives; from diverse societal backgrounds, professions, educational levels, and ethnic values. This research article delves into the nuances of Adiga's narrative techniques, particularly in the selected stories from his short story collection novel 'Between the Assassinations,' aiming to discern the conscious choices he makes in portraying the characters' linguistic expressions. The novel unfolds with characters embodying the struggles and emotions of those facing challenging circumstances or predominantly stemming from the lower echelons of society. Consequently, their communication styles are imbued with colloquialisms and vernacular, serving as a poignant mirror reflecting the harsh realities of life.

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