Faradila Mohamed Yusoff, Siti Suhana Judi, Zulhabri IsmailDelays in Interior Design construction contract have been viewed as a crucial and critical problem that will affects timely completion, budgeting and quality of ID construction contract. It's the most dangerous issue that arises in both private and public Interior Design construction contract. The objective of this study is to review the literature regarding delays in Interior Design construction contract that has been affected many projects, caused chaos among Clients and project team members. This study shows strong literature review on delay disputes as very serious issue for the parties involved such as client, consultants and contractors without exception to Interior Design construction contract. As a result, delays in construction contract will be extremely caused time exceeded and cost overrun in Malaysian Interior Design industry. It is expected that this study can help the studies that will be done in the future. This delays issue in Interior Design construction contract should be brought up the attention to find the way of managing the delays and prevent it at the earlier stage.